alchemy /alkəmē/.
alchemy /alkəmē/ (n.) - from Arabic al-kimiya the original name for Egypt “land of the black earth,” from Greek khymatos “that which is poured out,” from Medieval Latin alkimia referring to the scientific practices of the time. Alchemy has been adapted throughout centuries and across cultures to mean “the pursuit of transforming base metals into gold.”
This elixir of understanding is at the heart of ALKEME Psychology.
alkeme psychology.
land of the black earth
Our collective survivor stories unite us, because all sentient beings experience suffering. Yet, when we suffer atrocities and suffer without loving support from those nearest to us, we think that we are alone in our pain. Our growing shame and guilt weave stories around our suffering—I am broken, I am bad, I am unlovable, I am not enough. These narratives continually cast blame and deny parts of us, which stifles our freedom to grow, heal, and be as we are.
Yet, like the black earth, your darkest places are the most fertile grounds. There is richness within the darkness, waiting to be sifted through and released.
that which is poured out
Our bodies, minds, and spirits hold onto our suffering. Sometimes, it lives within the deepest of places where even words cannot find them. To heal we need to engage in holistic release. Honoring the means to survival, grieving what we did not have and ultimately letting go.
transforming base metals into gold
When we delve into our darkest of places and release that which no longer serves us, we are doing the work of transformation. Using the medicine of the elements—ignis, aeris, terra, aqua, and sol—we ignite healing through connection to self, others, body, creativity, and spirit. Integrating all parts of ourselves, we are able to transcend the stagnancy of suffering and connect to our inner gold.
What heals? Integrating research, indigenous practice, and spiritual teachings culminates in foundational truths of healing. These truths reflect the simple, natural beginnings of healing medicine and they are represented by the elements: ignis, aeris, terra, aqua, and sol.